A primera vista:
Sex is the instinctive and most primitive, eroticism is a ceremony of desire and bodies and finally comes love, which is unconditional dedication to the other.I like to mix sex, eroticism and love because it allows me to recognize myself with each lover,immersing myself in the simplicity of the wild
Me encanta el erotismo ,experimentar ,explorar,disfrutar con plenitud,disfrutar de una vida sexual implica liberarse de prejuicios e ideas erróneas. Los orgasmos, solos o en pareja, son maravillosos, no sólo porque son placenteros,también porque alivian el estrés, fortalecen el sistema inmunologico
Qué hago en privado:
I am passionate about fetishism, it excites me, carnal desire even in the orifices of my skin, daring, perverse, liberal, a tasty mix of sweetness and savagery.deepthro at, anal..
Me pone caliente:
fill every pore of my skin with saliva, sweat, drink my juices, I want every-drop-of you, it drives me crazy, it makes me be more of yours, more of a whore, kiss and bite my neck, whispering into my ears that I`m your passing bitch It reminds you how perverted and dirty WE are.
No me pone:
see white tongues.......... ................. ................. ................. ................. .